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The magazine LEJAAN

Visiting Silvia Križanová at Her Home

Visiting Silvia Križanová at Her Home


This time, we visited a home full of green tea smells and the sound of kids’ laughter. We were invited to the home of mother, entrepreneur and former model, Silvia Križanová, known on Instagram as @sisa_kr. Her recently completed house, just outside Bratislava, reflects her sense of organisation and minimalism, but also the happy childhood of her two sons Tomi and Alex.

What makes a home?

Home is the combination of a unique atmosphere and a particular smell, which is different in every home.

“Our architect friend, Erik Pastucha, helped us with the design of our home. He’s a genius!”

“Our architect friend, Erik Pastucha, helped us with the design of our home. He’s a genius!”

And what is the smell of your home?

Our favourite is Bibliotheque by Byredo.

A note from Lejaan: This fragrance evokes the atmosphere of a library with the scent of wooden shelves filled with rare, antiquarian books. Its key aroma notes include plum, leather and vanilla.

What three words describe your “home”?

Fireplace, wood and (my) boys.

Where in your home is your favourite ‘me time’ zone?

When I’m home alone I love spending time on the sofa, hugging a cup of tea and watching TV, browsing Instagram or reading a book. And when the whole family is home, the best place for ‘me time’ is the toilet (laughing). I’m sure every parent would agree!

And where, on the other hand, is your favourite get-together zone?

Most often it’s in the kitchen, slash, living room. There’s plenty of space here and lots of daylight.

That doesn’t surprise us, it’s absolutely gorgeous! Did you design it yourself or did someone help you?

Our architect friend, Erik Pastucha, helped us with its design (and the rest of the house, too). He’s a genius!

Describe the most beautiful moment at home. What comes to mind?

When I come home and the kids, delighted with my return, race down the hallway to meet me. That’s the best moment!

Neutral tones dominate in your home. How are you with colours?

I’m extra cautious with colour. I like timeless colours, ones you never tire of, non-disturbing and photogenic ones.

Do you refresh home décor to suit the season?

A little bit here and there, but I’m not a great fan of it.

Where do you find inspiration?

If I see something nice on Instagram or on Westwing, I might get it. But it’s hardly ever a spur-of-the-moment purchase, more like a well-thought-through one. I love Anissa Kermiche’s items and with time want to order some more of her things.

What is your favourite Lejaan product? And which is on your wishlist?

I love them all! But, okay, if I’m to pick just one….it would be the (full) bedding range - duvets, pillows, bed linen, and bedsheets. It’s impossible to just pick one!

What makes a place look cosier?

For us, the greatest ‘wow effect’ happened when we hung up curtains and drapes. The transformation was unbelievable.

And what should every home have?

Your nearest and dearest people and Lejaan bedlinen. I wouldn’t swap Lejaan bedding for anything! We, my kids and my parents all adore it.

What words would you use to describe Lejaan to your best friend?

“It’s love at first sight. Once you try their bed linen you’ll never want to sleep in any other, ever again.” I also like to say that sleeping in Lejaan products is like sleeping in a five-star hotel.

“I’m extra cautious with colour. I like timeless colours, ones you never tire of, non-disturbing and photogenic ones.”

“I’m extra cautious with colour. I like timeless colours, ones you never tire of, non-disturbing and photogenic ones.”

Do you have any tips on how to organise things and keep an area looking clean and tidy even when you have kids and their kingdom of toys?

I recommend having a lot of built-in storage spaces into which one can hide toys. I have all the kids’ books in a large bookcase behind the sofa (which is barely visible) so it doesn’t matter if the books aren’t perfectly stacked. I declutter toys often, to keep the tidy look.

Is your project ‘HOME’ finished? Or are you planning some changes or innovations?

Our final touch was the purchase of a beautiful picture for the living room (shame you won’t get to see it) so now, we’re finished!

Silvia’s sense of organisation is ever present in her home, but also the happy childhood of her two sons Tomi and Alex.

Silvia’s sense of organisation is ever present in her home, but also the happy childhood of her two sons Tomi and Alex.

My favourite ritual is….

to drink a cup of green tea and start the day with a quality workout.

My favourite place in the home is…

the living room and, in the summer, the outdoor pool.

My favourite home décor products are…

by Anissa Kermiche.

When at home, I most like to wear…

anything that’s comfy.

When someone visits for the first time, they’re most surprised by…

the amount of daylight we have here.

“When I come home and the kids, delighted with my return, race down the hallway to meet me. That’s the best moment!”

“When I come home and the kids, delighted with my return, race down the hallway to meet me. That’s the best moment!”

Shower or bath?


Are you an early bird or a night owl?

An early bird!

Would you rather sleep under a million stars or in a luxury hotel? 

A luxury hotel.

Do you prefer vintage or new things?

New. And whenever a new thing comes in an old one moves on.

Are you more of a minimalist or a maximalist?

Undoubtfully, a minimalist.

Do you prefer perfect order or creative chaos?

Order, though with kids it’s a challenge.

Do you prefer a night in bed or a night out partying?

In bed. I love our bed!

Do you prefer coffee or tea in the morning?


Do you prefer monotone bed-making or mix and match?



Light Brown Cosy Sunday Bed Linen

White Daily Notes Bed Linen

White Quiet Jungle Bedsheet

Beige Woven Monocolour Blanket

Beige Woven Monocolour Cushion Cover

Grey-Blue Afternoon Storm Kids Bed Linen

Grey-Beige Old Memories Kids Bed Linen

Grey-Blue Afternoon Storm Kids Bedsheet

Blue Knitted Colour Melange Blanket

Blue Colour Melange Cushion Cover

White Gentle Organic Towels

Beige Gentle Organic Towels

Silk Delicate Silk Pillowcase

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